It went off by accident. Lawyer said.

March 31, 2008 --

There's no proof it was my gun. And even if was, it went off by accident.

That's the story Remy Ma hopes a Manhattan jury will buy as deliberations begin today in a near-fatal Meatpacking District shooting that could put the internationally known rapper behind bars for 25 years.
Jurors heard impassioned closing arguments on both sides yesterday, as the three-week trial drew to a close in Manhattan Supreme Court.
Remy's lawyer suggested that the gun could have belonged to the victim - Makeda Barnes-Joseph, a 24-year-old office worker from The Bronx who insisted on the stand that the rapper shot her in the stomach in cold blood, as they sat in a car arguing over $3,000 in missing cash.
Only two witnesses have testified that Remy held a gun as she got into Barnes-Joseph's car on Washington Street that July 2007 night, defense lawyer Ivan Fisher pointed out. One was Barnes-Joseph's very close buddy, 22-year-old Oluwole Ojudun, and the other was Barnes-Joseph herself, whom Fisher accuses of concocting a "Remy shot me" story to bolster a $20 million lawsuit against the rapper.
But Remy did everything a person needs to intentionally fire the weapon, countered prosecutor Michael McIntosh - including loading it with hollow-point bullets, racking the slide, pointing it at her victim and pulling the trigger.


The Shop's joke of the day

"Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees."Yes, sir," the clerk

replied."That's good," the boss said. "After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother's

funeral, she stopped in to see you."


It's not delivery.. its De' Shop

Los getting ready to deliver a fresh cut in 30 minutes or less.


Pauly Shore and Charlie Murphy at The Shop

MMake sure you go buy ( Pauly Shore's "Natural Born Komics" Comedy Sketch Movie MIAMI!) DVD in stores NOW!!!

The Shop's Throwback of the day

This is another true classic. This was the first time many of us heard Busta Rhymes and these were some of the best MCs back in the day.

The Shop Recommends

The business of war.

Documentary "why we fight".

People Mag.. with JLO and twins on the cover

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony’s twins Max and Emme are rocking the pages of the mag with mom.

The Shop's throwback of the day

Second Round Knockout

Remember this sh*t? It used to be everywhere you went. Comment let us know what you remember about this era.


The Shop's Joke of The Day

It was getting a little crowded in Heaven, so God decided to change the admittance policy. The new law was that in order to get into Heaven, you had to have a really bad day on the day that you died. The policy would go into effect at noon the next day.

So, the next day at 12:01 the first person came to the gates of Heaven. The Angel at the gate, remembering the new policy, promptly asked the man, "Before I let you in, I need you to tell me how your day was going when you died."

"No problem, the man said. "I came home to my 25th-floor apartment on my lunch hour and caught my wife half naked and I was sure she was having an affair. But her lover was nowhere in sight. I immediately began searching for him. My wife was half naked and yelling at me as I searched the entire apartment.

Just as I was about to give up, I happened to glance out onto the balcony and noticed that there was a man hanging off the edge by his fingertips! The nerve of that guy!

Well, I ran out onto the balcony and stomped on his fingers until he fell to the ground.

But wouldn't you know it, he landed in some trees and bushes that broke his fall and he didn't die. This ticked me off even more. In a rage, I went back inside to get the first heavy thing I could get my hands on to throw at him.

Oddly enough, the first thing I thought of was the refrigerator. I unplugged it, pushed it out onto the balcony, and tipped it over the side. It plummeted 25 stories and crushed him!

The excitement of the moment was so great that I had a heart attack and died almost instantly."

The Angel sat back and thought a moment. Technically, the guy did have a bad day. It was a crime of passion. So, the Angel announced, "OK, sir. Welcome to the Kingdom of ;Heaven," and let him in.

A few seconds later the next guy came up. To the Angel's surprise, it was Donald Trump.

"Mr. Trump, before I can let you in, I need to hear about what your day was like when you died."

Trump said, "No problem. But you're not going to believe this. I was on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment doing my daily exercises. I had been under a lot of pressure so I was really pushing hard to relieve my stress. I guess I got a little carried away, slipped, and accidentally fell over the side!

Luckily, I was able to catch myself by the fingertips on the balcony below mine. But all of a sudden this crazy man comes running out of his apartment, starts cursing, and stomps on my fingers. Well, of course I fell. I hit some trees and bushes at the bottom, which broke my fall, so I didn't die right away.

As I'm laying there face up on the ground , unable to move and in excruciating pain, I see this guy push his refrigerator of all thing s off the balcony. It falls the 25 floors and lands on top of me, killing me instantly."

The Angel is quietly laughing to himself as Trump finishes his story. "I could get used to this new policy," he thinks to himself. "Very well," the Angel announces. "Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven," and he lets Trump enter.

A few seconds later, Bill Clinton comes up to the gate. The Angel is almost too shocked to speak. Thoughts of assassination and war pour through the Angel's head. Finally he says, "Mr. President, please tell me what it was like the day you died."

Clinton says, "OK, picture this. I'm naked, inside a refrigerator......

Gravy as BIGGIE for the new up coming film NOTORIOUS

Fox Searchlight has released this first official photo of Jamal "Gravy" Woolard as The Notorious B.I.G. for the January 16, 2009 biopic Notorious.


China Man.

The views expressed in this video do not reflect those of The Shop, its employees, management and/or any of its subsidiaries. We love our Asians.

The Shop's joke of the day

Not Himself Lately
He hasn't been himself lately. Everyone has noticed the improvement.

How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
From a catalogue


Meeting N.E.R.D in Texas

Arriving to Austin , Texas
for a N.E.R.D photo shoot

and you see me in the background doing what i do...

The Air Jordan 9/14's done!!

The Air Jordan 9/14 Countdown Package is set to release tomorrow, March 15, 2008. They consist of a pair of white / black Air Jordan 9 (IX) and a pair of black / red Air Jordan 14 (XIV). The pack will be available in both men's ($310) and GS ($210) sizes.

Spitzer's $4300 nut..

This is the chick Kristen that Eliot Spitzer got caught with. Do you think she was worth it??
She is

The Shop's Throwback of the day

Big Shout out to Charles Suitt on the great acting.

"don't do it kid, dont do it" "i don't wanna die!"...Classic

We see you doing big things.


Nike Air Force 1 - ACG Pack

Nike Air Force 1 - ACG Pack, which consists of three Nike ACG inspired Air Force , including the Safari, Mowabb, and the newest Wildwood inspired AF1 lows. They should be releasing within the next couple of months, probably late April with a price tag of $150

Japanorama -NIGO/ Bape

For those that don't know about my Nigo... see and believe.

Juelz Santana arrested in Jersey

Mr. Santana is due in court today after he was arrested in Jersey last week with some weed, hollow point bullets and hundreds of Jolly Ranchers in his trunk.
Police said they found 29 hollow-point bullets wrapped in a sock and $19,500 rolled in small bundles and hidden in a plastic bag filled with "hundreds of Jolly Rancher" candies.


MJ Air Leather Jacket

Have all the sneakers???? well you can't leave this Jacket's a must have!


Rih's stride is mean!!!

Spotted hitting up Paper nightclub in London this weekend.

Santogold - "L.E.S. Artistes"

Get ahead of the pack and check out this video by Santogold - it's called LES Artistes and has the smell of hit all over it.

The Shop's Joke of the day

A mother was working in the kitchen listening to her 5-year-old son playingwith his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop andher son saying,
"All of you sons of bitches who want off, get the hell offnow... cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of bitches who aregetting on, get your asses on the train...cause we're going down the tracks.
The horrified mother went in and told her son,
"We don't use that kind oflanguage in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are tostay there for TWO HOURS.When you come out, you may play with your train...but I want you to use nicelanguage."
Two hours later, the boy came out of the bedroom and resumedplaying with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her sonsay...
"All passengers, please remember your things, thank you and hope yourtrip was a pleasant one. We hope you will ride with us again soon."
Sheheard her little darling continue...
"For those of you just boarding,remember, there is no smoking in the train. We hope you will have a pleasantand relaxing journey with us today." As the mother began to smile, the childadded,
"For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, pleasesee the bitch in the kitchen."

Johnny Cake on tour with N.E.R.D

On the tour bus arriving in Cincinnati... unfortunately the show got canceled do to the weather..Snowing crazy!

The Shop's Throwback of the day

Damn, its been 8 years since Pun left us. This was the video that launched his career into the stratosphere. With this video he showed that he could be commercial but still have plently of hardcore lyrics for his die hard fans. In his song "tiwnz" with lyrics like "Dead in the middle of little Italy, little did we know that we riddled two middle men who didn't do diddley" he showed that despite his size he could run with the quickest. (Not literally of course.) Comment and lets us know what you think.


The Shop's Throwback of the day

This video was filmed on 178th street in Washington Heights. Big shout out to all our people in the heights grinding out.

Obama Comes Out Punching

CHICAGO — Senator Barack Obama woke up on Wednesday talking of his delegate lead and of taking the fight to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. But after defeats in two of the most populous states, he also sounded like a chastened candidate in search of his lost moment.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Senator Barack Obama heading home on Wednesday to Chicago, where he and his advisers are planning their next moves.
Mr. Obama once again failed to administer an electoral coup de grâce, and so allowed a tenacious rival to elude his grasp. Now, after appearing nearly invincible just last week, he faces questions about his toughness and vulnerabilities — never mind seven weeks of tramping across Pennsylvania, the site of the next big primary showdown. His goal is to prove he can win states vital to a Democratic victory in November.

In Ohio and Texas, he drew vast and adoring crowds, yet he came up short on primary day, just as he did in New Hampshire in early January. Mrs. Clinton’s attack on his readiness to serve as commander in chief seemed to resonate with some Texas voters.
In Ohio, Mr. Obama failed to make much headway with voters who live paycheck to paycheck and feel the economic walls closing in, a troublesome sign as he heads to Pennsylvania.
But his challenge now is about more than demographics. He must reassure supporters, and party leaders who had started to rally to his side, that he can absorb the lessons of Tuesday’s defeats. And he faces a challenge of rebounding as quickly as he did from his loss in New Hampshire.

Flying from Texas back home to Chicago on Wednesday morning, Mr. Obama delivered the message that he intended to counterpunch forcefully.
His campaign aides on Wednesday urged Mrs. Clinton to release her tax returns from 2006, as well as her papers from her years as first lady, which Mr. Obama’s chief strategist, David Axelrod, described as “secreted in the Clinton library.”
“She’s made the argument that she’s thoroughly vetted, in contrast to me,” Mr. Obama said to reporters aboard his campaign plane. “I think it’s important to examine that argument.”
Over the last year, though, Mr. Obama has struggled to deliver that examination. He picks up the cudgel, and then sets it down. The problem is that Mr. Obama has built a campaign persona as the man of hope, a young candidate with oratorical skills who promises to build bridges across the ideological divide.

If he indulges his inner Chicago pol, formed in a city where politics is conducted with crowbars, he risks taking the shine off. But his advisers say he has little choice.
Mr. Obama took aim on Wednesday at Mrs. Clinton’s claim that she is a seasoned hand in foreign policy. “What exactly is this foreign experience that she’s claiming?” he said. “I know she talks about visiting 80 countries. It is not clear. Was she negotiating treaties or agreements or was she handling crises during this period of time?
“My sense is the answer’s no.”

Mr. Obama, finally, has tactical worries of his own. He won in states like Missouri by running up large margins in cities and suburbs. But in Ohio, he appeared outorganized.
Gov. Ted Strickland, who endorsed Mrs. Clinton, advised her to encircle the cities. Mr. Strickland led her deep into his base in the hills of Appalachia in southern Ohio; Bill Clinton also passed through the region when he was president. Mrs. Clinton ran up big margins in those rural counties.

Mr. Obama retains significant advantages, including his lead among pledged delegates and a record-setting fund-raising operation. And he bridled at questions on Wednesday about his difficulties attracting working-class and middle-class support, noting his progress in that regard.
“I don’t buy into this demographic argument,” Mr. Obama said. “In Missouri, Wisconsin, Virginia and many of these states, we’ve won the white vote and the blue-collar voters. I think it is very important not to somehow focus on a handful of states because the Clintons say that those states are important and the other states are unimportant.”

His advisers pointed out that the Clinton campaign had built up 20-point leads in the polls in Ohio and Texas just two weeks ago and that Mrs. Clinton’s tough tactics and negative advertisements forced the Obama campaign upon the shoals.
But Mr. Obama is hardly a by-the-bootstraps insurgent. He had a decided financial advantage in both states, outspending the Clinton campaign more than two to one, and he could count on the support of powerful unions and the endorsement of a string of big-city mayors.
“I’ll tell you what I would do now,” said Mayor Michael B. Coleman of Columbus, Ohio, who had endorsed Mr. Obama. “I would start to draw contrasts with her. I don’t think Obama has focused on that, and there are opportunities to be explored there.”
Mr. Obama seems likely to take a tougher stance toward Mrs. Clinton, if only because he saw how well such tactics worked against him. When the Clinton campaign attacked on multiple fronts last week, he sometimes sounded defensive, occasionally talking at his audiences rather than with them.

“There’s no magic bullet that hurt him; it was a series of bullets,” said Hank Sheinkopf, a Democratic consultant. “She reduced his charisma and forced voters back to reality.”
For now, Mr. Obama and his advisers are huddled in Chicago, plotting strategy.
Asked on the plane whether he and Mrs. Clinton might make a good ticket, he smiled. “It’s very premature,” he said, “to start talking about a joint ticket.”


Q-tip midnight 2008 Live

Smirnoff held a little press conference and performance last night in support of their Signature Mix Series ad campaign. Above is a clip of Q-Tip performing the remix to ATCQ’s Midnight

Toccara new look nices!

Former America’s Next Top Model Toccara Jones is the cover model for the May issue of King Magazine.

Kid Rock Not Copping to Battery

Kid Rock's not waffling on his plea when it comes to a battery charge.
The rap-rocker pleaded not guilty Monday to a misdemeanor count of simple battery stemming from a fight at an Atlanta-area Waffle House last October.
Rock, 37, did not appear in court and had his attorney, Darryl Cohen, enter the plea on his behalf.
The singer (real name: Robert Ritchie) and members of his entourage ran into trouble at the breakfast-purveying chain in the wee hours of Oct. 21, following a concert at the Tabernacle concert hall in Atlanta.
While at the restaurant, a woman who was with Rock's group allegedly got into a heated debate with another Waffle House patron whom she recognized.
The two apparently took their quarrel into the parking lot, where Rock and five members of his entourage became involved before piling onto the rocker's tour bus and departing.
Police stopped the bus shortly thereafter and took Rock and his cronies into custody on a single charge of simple battery. Rock was released later the same day after posting $1,000 bail.
During an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show later that same week, Rock maintained that he had been provoked into participating in the encounter, adding that he did not consider himself to be a violent person.
"The last thing I want is that reputation," he said. "I believe in just standing up for things I believe in, and being honest, and sometimes it gets me in a little bit of trouble."

Prince Harry gets back home after stint in Afghanistan

LONDON - Prince Harry touched down in Britain on Saturday after a stint in Afghanistan as a soldier was cut short when details of his secret deployment were disclosed by a magazine and Web sites.


Defense ministry officials said Harry — who served 10 weeks — was due to be greeted by his father, Prince Charles, and brother, Prince William, at the Brize Norton air base in Oxfordshire, southern England.

Harry's fellow soldiers from the Household Cavalry unit are due to return back to the U.K. in April at the end of their near-six month tour, defense officials said.

Harry, a cornet — or second lieutenant — arrived at the base in a Royal Air Force troop carrier with dozens of other soldiers. The soldier prince chatted to a colleague as he walked down the aircraft's steps and headed to a terminal building.

The prince did not speak to reporters as he left the troop carrier.

Britain's defense department said Harry was being greeted privately by his family.

Harry, third in line to the throne, was withdrawn from his deployment after the once closely guarded secret became public.

The Defense Ministry said Saturday that William — second in line to the British throne — is also likely to serve overseas with the military, probably on board a Royal Navy battleship.

Officials said he could be deployed later this year on a tour to areas including the South Atlantic, the Persian Gulf, Pacific Ocean or the West Indies.

"It's our intention to give Prince William as full a taste of life in the Royal Navy as possible," a Navy spokesman said, on customary condition of anonymity in line with policy.

Although Harry's deployment ended prematurely, military analysts said it would nonetheless help his army career by allowing him to hold his head high among his comrades.