
New Hip-Hop Beef ... well, sort of

EMINEM coming at Mariah
Did M go too far?
Did Mariah ask for it?


Sweet Stache

Love your facial hair, or just like to marvel at the growth of others? Then check out Sweet 'Stache: 50 Badass Mustaches and the Faces Who Sport Them ($9). A veritable 'stache celebration, this 208-page paperback looks at fifty of the most famous upper lip coverings in history, as well as the bravado and balls of the men who sported them.

Recommended Reading - The Art of Shaving

The Shop recommends The Art of Shaving Book.
From choosing the right tools to using the right techniques,
from skin care to nicks-and-cut repairs, Definitely a good read.


Apple Tablet

Let's face it, folks -- the CD insert is no longer "the new hotness." And besides, those wacky PDFs included with iTunes album purchases never did much more than take up valuable hard drive space anyway, right?. In an effort to get consumers to stop buying single tracks and start buying more fillerentire albums, Apple has reportedly joined forces with EMI, Sony Music, Warner Music and Universal Music Group in a project that's being codenamed "Cocktail." Financial Times is reporting that said initiative is considering adding "interactive booklets, sleeve notes and other interactive features with music downloads," with one executive familiar with the situation saying that "it's not just a bunch of PDFs; there's real engagement with the ancillary stuff." Of course, all of this should still be taken with a pinch of salt for now, as even the music companies mentioned above refused to comment. And given thetremendous indifference consumers have shown with that other interactive tech that's being pushed so hard right now, we're not even sure it'll have the desired effect.


Got a question you wish you could ask your barber but you cant? Let us know.

Recently watching an episode on Rachel Ray (yeah, thats right) that showed a segment called "how to fire your hair dresser" got us thinking. What things do customers have questions about barber/client relationships that we could help with. So at The Shop we are starting a new weekly blog segment called " Ask Your Barber". And you guys can send us any questions you might have that are barber related and we will gladly answer. Just email them to theshopnj@gmail.com with subject line Question.


Lebron James & Johnny Cake

What do ya think about Lebron ordering Nike reps to confiscate the tapes??

James was playing in a pickup game at theNike-run LeBron James Skills AcademyinAkron,Ohio, when Xavier sophomoreJordan Crawfordthrew down a two-handed jam over the Cavaliers star - with cameras on the sidelines rolling.

Read more:http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/2009/07/09/2009-07-09_lebron.html#ixzz0L7DzLrKr&C