
Pharrell & HMI Orchestra record I AM OTHER theme song.

Pharrell headed to the University of Miami Frost School of Music to work with Henry Mancini Institute Orchestra on the ‘I Am Other’ theme.


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Mitt Romney, 2012 Iowa Republican Caucus Victor

The Iowa Caucus is a process where Iowa residents in the state’s 1,774 caucus districts cast a non-binding or informal vote for the person they will likely vote for in the upcoming Presidential election. Each of the 50 states has its own similar process, but the Iowa Caucus is particularly newsworthy because the individual who receives the most Iowa Caucus votes is usually the same person who receives the Democratic or Republican nomination for President.

In last night’s 2012 Iowa Caucus Barack Obama was not opposed and received 98% of the Democratic caucus vote and in an extremely close Republican caucus vote, Mitt Romney defeated Rick Santorum by 8 votes. The Huffington Post reports 122,255 people voted in the Republican Caucus and there are over 2.2 million people eligible to vote in Iowa. It has been reported that prospective republican candidate Michele Bachmann will resign from the race and infamous “Riggerhead Nanch” (change the R and N but I’m not writing it), owner Rick Perry is “reassessing” his position in the race. The contenders for Republican Presidential nomination at this time appear to be Mitt Romney, pictured above, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul.

Andrew Bynum and the Lakers Shape-Up!

Andrew Bynum is back and it looks like the Lakers are in back in shape.  Bynum scored 21 points and grabbed 22 rebounds while Kobe made scoring 37 points look easy as the Lakers defeated the Rockets.  They have the night off tonight and play the Trailblazers on TNT tomorrow night at 10:30 p.m. ET.

Parole Officer Shot in Lakeview Terrace

Today in Lakeview Terrace, California, a suburb in the city of Los Angeles, a 45 year-old white male allegedly shot a state parole agent in the face while fleeing apprehension for a suspected parole violation.  The man was thought to have previously committed 2 felonies.  Is it just me or does this type of senseless violence seem to be on the rise?


Benjamin Colton Barnes, Rambo 5

This guy here looks like he was getting ready to audition for the next Rambo movie or something.  Mr. Barnes allegedly killed a Washington state park ranger as a result of post-traumatic stress disorder.  Thanks to all the vets out there.

Give the Gift of Laziness...All-Day Pajamas

First Snuggies, now this? How lazy can people be… These Forever Lazy pajamas are supposed to make you feel comfortable, almost as if you were lying in bed all day.  I like sleep just as much as the next person but damn.  Seriously, get it together folks, all day pajamas… SMFH…

Hawks Cool Heat

The Hawks were able to slow down the Heat and hand them their first loss, 100-92, thanks to some timely plays on the defensive end.  The Hawks slowed down the Heat fast-break nearly all night and even got 16 off the bench from Tracy McGrady.  It’ll be interesting to see how the Heat respond but it’s still only the regular season anyway.

Mavericks Strike Thunder

Paced by 26 from Dirk Nowitzki, the Mavericks were able to hand the Thunder their first loss of the season, 100-87.  KD added 28, but for some reason the Thunder just looked a step slow all night.  It seemed like Dallas wanted the game a little more, but the Thunder were going to lose a game at some point anyway.

Obama Signs Defense Bill Despite 'Serious Reservations'

WASHINGTON -- Indefinite military detention of Americans became the law of the land Saturday, as President Barack Obama signed a defense bill that codified that authority, even as he said he would not use it.
The National Defense Authorization Actstates how the military is to be funded, but also includes a number of controversial provisions on arresting and holding suspected terrorists, which at first drove Obama to threaten a veto.
He retreated from that threat after Congress added provisions that took the ultimate authority to detain suspects from the military's hands and gave it to the president. Congress also clarified that civilian law enforcement agencies -- such as the FBI -- would still have authority to investigate terrorism and added a provision that asserts nothing in the detention measures changes current law regarding U.S. citizens.
Still, the signing on New Year's Eve as few people were paying attention angered civil liberties advocates, who argue that the law for the first time spells out certain measures that have not actually been tested all the way to the Supreme Court, including the possibility of detaining citizens in military custody without trial for as long as there is a war on terror.
"President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law," said Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union.
"The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield," Romero added. "The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress or internationally."
The administration was especially sensitive about the law and about reaction to the president signing it. In addition to enacting the measure while few people were paying attention -- and many opponents still had hopes the president would veto the bill -- the White House added a signing statement specifying that the Obama administration would not detain Americans without trial. The White House also sent out a notice to its online community highlighting Obama's complaints with the law, in a tacit admission that many of the president's more ardent supporters despise the detention provisions.
"I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists," Obama said in the signing statement.
Presidents issue such statements when they feel a law conflicts with the executive's constitutional powers. Obama criticized them during the Bush administration, but has found the practice useful on a handful of occasions.
In this case, Obama argued that the changes Congress made to the bill affirm only authorities that the Bush and Obama administrations have already claimed in fighting terrorism. But he noted that the codification of those powers in law was unnecessary and perhaps harmful. And he insisted he would not use the powers to detain citizens without trial.
"I want to clarify that my administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens," Obama wrote. "Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My administration will interpret section 1021 [of the bill] in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law."
Civil liberties advocates like Romero pointed out that once the provisions are law, however, they will be available to a President Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney or any future president, who could choose to use the powers granted more aggressively.
"We are incredibly disappointed that President Obama signed this new law even though his administration had already claimed overly broad detention authority in court," said Romero. "Any hope that the Obama administration would roll back the constitutional excesses of George Bush in the war on terror was extinguished today."
Because of the provisions specifying that the new legislation does not change current law, the new law leaves the authority it grants open to interpretation and to the possibility -- albeit in very difficult circumstances -- of someone challenging a detention through the courts.
"Thankfully, we have three branches of government, and the final word belongs to the Supreme Court, which has yet to rule on the scope of detention authority," Romero said. "But Congress and the president also have a role to play in cleaning up the mess they have created, because no American citizen or anyone else should live in fear of this or any future president misusing the NDAA's detention authority."
Obama also said he will not abide by the law's requirement to detain terror suspects using the military.
"I reject any approach that would mandate military custody where law enforcement provides the best method of incapacitating a terrorist threat," Obama said. "While section 1022 is unnecessary and has the potential to create uncertainty, I have signed the bill because I believe that this section can be interpreted and applied in a manner that avoids undue harm to our current operations."
Finally, he rejected a number of other provisions, saying the White House is concerned they interfere with the president's constitutional powers and ability to fight terrorism.
"My Administration will aggressively seek to mitigate those concerns through the design of implementation procedures and other authorities available to me as Chief Executive and Commander in Chief, will oppose any attempt to extend or expand them in the future, and will seek the repeal of any provisions that undermine the policies and values that have guided my Administration throughout my time in office," Obama warned.


Kevin Durant and Thunder Continue to Impress

The Thunder look strong and focused this season and still have not lost a game.  They are 5-0 and won their last game 107-97, against the Suns in Oklahoma, and play tonight against the slumping Mavericks.  It looks like there is tension between star Kevin Durant and point guard Russell Westbrook but the team seems to be managing the conflict well publicly and the apparent conflict does not seem to be distracting them on the court either.  It will be interesting to see how or if the conflict ever develops, but the Thunder keep winning.

Heat Smash Bobcats by 39

The Heat are still undefeated. They beat the Bobcats by 39 last night in Miami, led by a 24-point, 10-rebound effort from Chris Bosh.  Wade contributed 22 while Lebron added 16 in the landslide win.  Regular season wins do matter, but I’m most interested in seeing the Heat perform under playoff pressure.

Los Angeles "Arsonist"

Turns out this guy allegedly set a total of 55 random fires in the Hollywood area over the last few days.  There is no detail on what initiated a traffic stop and search of his van, but LAPD officers recovered fire-causing combustible during a search of the van.  Never trust guys that have ponytails and drive minivans

In Living Color, Part 2?

In Living Color is set for a comeback this year according to the NY Post.  The new version will feature an all new cast and material and will air at some point this year; not much more than that in terms of detail.  I must say the fly girls were my favorite part of the original version, followed by Tommy Davidson and David Alan Grier.

New Year's Eve in Picture

I’m not big on pictures but this New Year’s Eve I decided to take some for a friend that couldn’t make it to New York.  I’m sure everyone had a good time this year because it seemed like there were people out and parties on just about every block.  I made it to 3, 2 on the east side and 1 on the west.  I took these after I left the first, @ like 3:45, and the morning after.  Respect to my guys uptown on 176 for holdin it down on Saturday night.

Tebow and the Broncos Out of Miracles

It seems like the NFL is finally catching up with Tim Tebow because the last few weeks he hasn’t done anything except lose games.  Yesterday, Tebow wrapped up the season with a 7-3 loss, but in a twist of fate Tebow and the Broncos ended up as AFC West Champs and in the playoffs despite the loss.  The celebration will likely be very short lived because the Broncos will meet the Steelers in the first round of the playoffs next week.

Jets Not Clear For Takeoff...

The Jets straight crumbled the last few weeks of the season.  They lost their last game yesterday against the Dolphins 19-17, and will miss the playoffs this season.  Star receiver Santonio Holmes was benched by coaches during the game and it seems like the Jets and Rex Ryan have some decisions to make this off-season.

Giants Send the Cowboys Packing!

The Giants won last night 31-14, big win!  Their next game will be a home playoff against the Falcons next week.  The Falcons are tough with a strong running game, but the Giants’ defense is looking sharp once again.  3 more wins and back in the SuperBowl just like I predicted...