
8 hair care tips

8 hair care tips

Keep it clean. Most scalp infections and hair problems can be prevented by simply keeping your hair clean.

Get to know your hair. Most people go day to day fighting and trying to tame their hair. Don’t fight it. Get to know it. Invest the time to see what products your hair reacts the best to and what feels right. See how it grows and work with it.

No DIY jobs (do it yourself). The party’s tonight, graduation tomorrow or job interview next week. No matter the occasion, no matter how desperate you get just don’t do it yourself. Most likely if you do it won’t come out the as good and you’ll create more work for your barber next time.

Stick to your barber. Jumping from chair to chair is not good for your hair. Once you find a good barber stick to him like white on rice. After a few cuts he will know your hair’s weaknesses and strengths making him able to do the best job.

Don’t be afraid to fire your barber. Sometimes barbers lose their inspiration after having been cutting you for a while. Always make sure the clippers are properly cleaned and disinfected. If he should use a razor make sure it’s a disposable one and that it was inserted in front of you.

Don’t burden your hair with chemicals. Science has come a long way when it comes to hair products but its not always good to use too many chemicals in your hair. Make sure the products you use are mostly natural and wont damage your hair.

Try something new Sometimes its hard to get out of our routine. Same schedule, same routine, same hairstyle. Try new hairstyles that you think might look good with your style. Trying different hairstyles gives you more options on what you look the best with. Try it and don’t regret it.

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