
A BlackBerry That's Easy On Your Thumbs

People who use smart phones with physical keyboards are well aware that they don't look as cool as someone who touches glass to type and flicks a finger to scroll through emails, Web pages and photos. But for many, physical keyboards are easier to use than touch screens, and this fact, alone, cures even the worst case of touch-screen envy.

In two weeks, Research in Motion Inc. and T-Mobile will make available the latest version of the BlackBerry: the Curve 8900. This device works as a basic BlackBerry and doesn't have a sleek touch screen or completely overhauled operating system, nor is it meant to compete with the likes of Apple's iPhone. But it has a physical keyboard and still manages to look stylish -- and that's no small feat.

[BlackBerry Curve]T-Mobile USA

The $200 Curve 8900

The Curve 8900 costs $200 after a $100 mail-in rebate and with a two-year T-Mobile contract. In the BlackBerry family, this model falls into the Goldilocks category of not too big, not too small -- just right. RIM's $300 BlackBerry Bold came out in November, but its large size and high price were turn-offs for some. click for the rest of the story

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