
The Real SPIDER MAN (Impressive!)

Jemp Stansfield, host of BBC1’s “Bang Goes The Theory,” built two sucker pads (similar to a Gekkomat) out of two regular vacuums, then scaled a 30 ft wall at a school during the Brighton Science Festival Programme (pictures below) and then nearly succeeded in scaling a 100-foot-tall aluminum building (videos below). He may also be a superhero:

He invented the world’s first air-powered motorbike, and won a New Scientist prize for boots that walk on water. More recently he succeeded in making a rocket run on toffee by filling a tube with the sweet and firing nitrous oxide down a hole in the middle of it. It was capable of powering a bicycle ridden by Mr Stansfield at a test base. For his next trick, he hopes to drive a car all the way from London to Manchester, powered only by coffee beans.

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