Eddie Murphy marries Tracey Edmunds

JAY- Z opening Hotels in NYC

Doggs now you know that ain't right!!

Year In Review
Another Day Another Dolla...Same Block Same Hustle
It seems that 2007 flew by but when we look at the events that changed and shaped the world and our lives we can see what really happened. These are the stories that sparked up some of the most interesting conversations in The Shop. Barbershops are the common man's podium where their voice and opinion can be heard. Some of the events that mattered the most to us and our community were...
It seems that 2007 flew by but when we look at the events that changed and shaped the world and our lives we can see what really happened. These are the stories that sparked up some of the most interesting conversations in The Shop. Barbershops are the common man's podium where their voice and opinion can be heard. Some of the events that mattered the most to us and our community were...
Barry Bonds hit No. 756 to the deepest part of the ballpark Tuesday night, and hammered home the point: Like him or not, legitimate or not, he is baseball's new home run king.
Michael Vick was sentenced for running a dogfighting operation up to 23 months.
Six black students were charged with second-degree attempted murder after beating up a white male over racial altercations.
We want to Thank all of our costumers for helping us have a great year in 07 and we appriciate your continued support in 2008 We at The Shop wish you and yours the Best in 08.
Rumors!! Pharrell in NASCAR
There were rumors about Skateboard P owning his own Team in NASCAR. " I guess is all fun and games untill someone gets serious.''
NEW Video!! Pharrell, Kanye and Lupe F./ Directed by: VASHTIE
"Is it the 4GB, is it the 8GB?"
Noo Snitches! Its the GOLD Iphone. Damn P... "you did it again."
Steve Jobs doesn't even have one.
Hands-on with BetaBlue, JetBlue's WiFi-equipped Airbus

Generally we're the type to pass out the second we've stowed our carry-on items safely in the overhead bin, but on a recent test flight for a gang of reporters, photographers, Fortune 500 execs, and the obligatory PR team, JetBlue managed to keep us awake by magically letting us communicate with our friends and colleagues on the ground over IM and email. Actually, it takes a lot more than magic for the Airbus A320 named "BetaBlue" to bring limited WiFi connectivity to properly-equipped passengers throughout the single-class cabin: quite a bit of technical and administrative work went into getting this service off the ground, from snatching up and deploying a rare slice of 800MHz ground-to-air spectrum to effectively managing cell tower connections while traveling over 500mph to developing clients that would maximize the precious bandwidth being shared by so many mobile gadget lovers. Keep reading after the break for all of our impressions from this media preview voyage, and don't forget to hit up the gallery below for glimpses of the entire experience along with some of the screenshots you can expect to see in-flight...CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE REST OF THE PICS http://www.engadget.com/2007/12/11/hands-on-with-betablue-jetblues-wifi-equipped-airbus/

Big Bro celebrating his B-day in PARIS
Blackberry Bitches!!

Screen dimensions are going to be 480x320 / 320x480 depending on how you hold it! Looks to me that the device will be like the iPhone in that you can hold it portrait or landscape. Cool stuff. However, does this large display mean a touchscreen keyboard is built-in? No more tactile, easy to use keys? We'll find out soon I suppose...
The device will also have a gig of on-board memory and an Intel XScale processor. The processor is slightly faster than the one found on current iPhone models.
The 9000 will also have built-in GPS and WiFi.
We would also expect to find a built-in camera, but there are no details on that yet. No details on price either (of course).
Expectations have this unit up for sale in early 2008.
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