It seems that 2007 flew by but when we look at the events that changed and shaped the world and our lives we can see what really happened. These are the stories that sparked up some of the most interesting conversations in The Shop. Barbershops are the common man's podium where their voice and opinion can be heard. Some of the events that mattered the most to us and our community were...
Barry Bonds hit No. 756 to the deepest part of the ballpark Tuesday night, and hammered home the point: Like him or not, legitimate or not, he is baseball's new home run king.
Michael Vick was sentenced for running a dogfighting operation up to 23 months.
Six black students were charged with second-degree attempted murder after beating up a white male over racial altercations.
We want to Thank all of our costumers for helping us have a great year in 07 and we appriciate your continued support in 2008 We at The Shop wish you and yours the Best in 08.
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